Wednesday 28 December 2011

Design Principles

These are the photos taken from out Design Principles session, we were asked to take photos with a range of colours and light. I had a few different objects and tried many different settings on the camera and tried with different coloured paper.

The difference in the light in this image effects the photo greatly, and completely changes the colour of the image. This image below had a warm light on it which makes it look more dark, whereas the image above  has a bright light on it which makes it look whiter and a much brighter colour.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The Powerpoint for Pepto Bismol

Imagery for Pepto Bismol Posters

This is the imagery which will be used on our posters for Pepto Bismol, all of the images are linked to a method of getting rid of hiccups, they have all been drawn by hand and then edited on illustrator, we experimented with different colours and styles for the imagery. The images were drawn by Hannah.

We all agreed the the images looked good once they had been put onto a background such as this one, it makes the image stand out more and frames it, as well as making it look like vintage. 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Preparation for Patterns

We were all given specific jobs to do for the posters we were going to create, I was asked to create a a pattern for the background of the poster, we decided it should be similar to victorian wallpaper as it would be easily recognised as victorian. in order to do this I did some hand rendered shapes and then scanned them into illustrator where I then placed them and played around with patterns. By putting the shapes together it was quite simple to create a victorian looking pattern.