Wednesday 30 January 2013

504 Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have looked a lot more into different research methods, i have tried doing surveys and asking people questions to their faces as well as looking a secondary research in more detail. I have also developed my skills on in Dreamweaver and In design whilst completing my publications and website. I have tried to apply these skills to the best of my ability.I did really struggle with the coding aspect of Web and had to get help on several occasions, however I manage to complete my website with 3 working pages. Even though I struggled with the coding side, I did still really enjoy designing and doing scamps for my website. The fact that the website was not based on us made it easier to produce content, and find relevant imagery. In the future I would like to learn more about web so that I can apply it to my work. The ISTD brief was my favourite of the briefs, I took a more print approach than a web approach to this brief rather ethan a digital media approach as i think 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Overall I have enjoyed doing these briefs, I really feel like experimenting with different print processes involved in the business has helped me discover new ways of working and therefore made me develop different skills which I can apply to my work in the future. Different techniques which I have tried are screen printing on to both fabric and paper and different types of digital printing. As well as print process I have also developed new skills in finishing techniques, I have tried both Foiling, embossing and I have used the Lazor cutter. One totally new thing within these briefs was web, in the past I had never worked with web or any online media, however doing web within these briefs has helped me broaden my skills within graphic design. I have produced more design sheets than normal, organising my layout on design sheets for my publications really helped, and this has defiantly helped me develop my ideas. my design sheets are better quality than previously, Design sheets have helped me move from my rough ideas on to my final products. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I really enjoyed Making the final product for the ISTD brief  and so i think it has shown in the work, I overall pleased with my final products from this brief, i think making the packaging was something i enjoyed and so i will hopefully do it again. I really wanted to try new methods of working so that i can expand my skills, I think I have achieved this in this project and will defiantly apply the skills I have learnt to my work in the future

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

One weakness which is very obvious within all  of my projects is not enough research, if I were to go back and redo them I would start by researching everything in much more detail. Another thing which i would address in the future would be to do more design sheets. Another thing which I would address in the future would be to blog in more detail the sessions, as i thin this would of helped me when making my website as I did really struggle with the making and coding of the website.   

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  • I would start my research much earlier into a wider range of things, as well as things which rant directly linked to the project but which is surrounding research to get more of a feel for the area of choice. 
  • Within the ISTD Brief I would Do some more products instead of just sticking to several designs for the product, I think more of a range would have been more refreshing.
  • I would also look more into the area which I am looking at, for example I would look into producing more of a range of products for the ISTD brief, and look more into digital products,
  • I would try to manage my time better and give myself time periods to do things, as well a writing myself lists and trying to be more organised.
  • I would do more design sheets, I have found that they have really helped me in the last project and I wish I had done more within the web project.  

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 
(please indicate using an ‘x’)  

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


Tuesday 29 January 2013


I wanted to experiment with different methods of printing, overall the printing went well, I didn't mess us any of my products and it seemed to all go smoothly. 

Final website

Homepage- this is my final home page, overall I am pleased with my website, I found it really difficult, at first and ended up getting help with it, however after looking back at my notes from the workshops I found it more easy to apply the skill sot the actual webpage

20 Rules Page-
This page would also have links to other pages so that you could look at the 20 rules.
 Influencial Surfers Page
as I just used images to make up my website, I have had to limit what the actually website would do. If i had more time to make this actual website, I would make the images link to different influential surfers, however that are just all one image. 

 From ancient to modern page,
 The page would be full of information on the history of surfing, and would include a link which would lead to a timeline, however one again due to time limitations I have not had time to do this. 


Here is my final info pack completed, i am overall pleased with the outcome, hover there are several   things which i would change if i were to do it again
  • The foiling on the front covers doesn't look great as the ink from the studio printers didn't come out very black and therefore the foil didn't stick to it as well as i would of liked it to.
  • The foil looks black instead of navy blue
  • The Print process booklet and the colour systems booklet were printed of in the graphics studio again and so they look all different sizes and the pages war not double sided, meaning I had to stick them together, so they look messy and not lined up properly.   

Ideally I wanted to put black bout board in the holder for all the books, however due to cost and tim limitations I used cream instead.

Considering i used the printers in the studio I think the colours came out pretty well. 

This is the back of the cover to my booklet, I wanted to attach this name tag the same way as i did the cover but last it too late and therefore had to jet attach it with double sided tape.


Below is my final design for the menu which would be placed tin the cafe within the building where the gallery space is. I wanted the menu to look classy but not classic, as I think its needs to had a contemporary feel to it as its a design based business. 
I went with the theme of having red foil as i thought it would link well to the illustration which i have done on the poster and other promotional material. 

I wanted the inside content of the menu to be slightly smaller so that the cover looked bigger, however when it came to printing the book it was aligned slightly wrong as so the fold was too far to the right, meaning the type in is no longer centrally aligned. 

Due to the fact I wanted to foil the menu I needed the ink to have toner in it, therefore I used the printers in the graphics studio, however they don't print very black so i had to put the image through the printer several times in order to get it as black as I needed in order to foil.  As a result of this is the type of the back and slightly on the inside of the Menu has come out slightly off line.

Monday 28 January 2013

Screen Printed Products

 In order to experiment with different techniques, I tried screen printing, these were the products which I produced which would be sold in the shop within the gallery. When I first did my screen printing it worked pretty well, I think that the red works the best as it stands out more, the logo is more bold, whereas the blue type factory illustration is pale and not as bright. I think the bag also works well as it is stands out.