Friday 7 October 2011

//Final Piece/ Alphabet Soup//Message and delivery//

Here is the Final Piece for Alphabet Soup, Id this project were to be redone, changes would be mad to the way it was made, for example the letters are not all lined up correctly and the letters are slightly different sizes, this could easily be corrected be using One of the adobe programs and lining the letters up in this way,in addition to this the letters could be more precise, due to the fact that they were drag free hand in the style of Helvetica Bold they are not all the same. 

Here is the name tags we were asked to produce for our partner to wear, it is quite effective other than the fact that he found it a bit scary. This contradicts what the projects was supposed to be about and so if it were to be changed, it would be the fill of the letters which would be changed. 

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