Build may refer to:
- The process of building or construction
- Physical body stature, especially muscle size; usually of the human body
- 1. To form by combining materials or parts; construct.2. To order, finance, or supervise the construction of: The administration built several new housing projects.3. To develop or give form to according to a plan or process; create: build a nation; built a successful business out of their corner grocery store.4. To increase or strengthen by adding gradually to: money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate.5. To establish a basis for; found or ground: build an argument on fact.
I have experimented with different images and ways of working here are just a few of them, i have used black ink on which paer as i will do for my final images, these are just rough ideas but they give an indication as to what my final letters will look like. 

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