As the brief indicates, the company is a Fairy large one, originally form darlington, moved to Durham and wanting to expand their audience. I have created 5 different styles of Logos, I wanted them to be applicable to all ages and therefore they are all simple in design.Logo one was show a more playful side to the company, the colours could be changed and adapted according to the style of design wanted.
Logo two is very similar to logo one, I have adapted it so that it is horizontal rather than in a square shape, I have added an aeroplane into to logo as travel may be an important to those wanting to invest in their future, the imagery is all very basic, as I wanted them to be easily understood, This logo may in fact be easier to apply to documents as it is a longer shape. After Speaking with the company we decided that the tray scale logo was the most effective.
For Logo three i have tried to create something completely different in style, in comparison to the first two styles this one looks a lot more sleek and stylish, it looks more like a corporate logo rather than a local business logo, after speaking with the client we decided that this logo could work well but we were unsure about which colour scheme would b used. As previously the Logo used purple and the Company wanted to update the colour and lean away from Purple, the grey seemed like an obvious choice.

Logo Four Is again simple in design, I wanted to incorporate the face into the logo and keep the texd simple and easy to read, therefore I have used Keytin which is a thin elongated Typeface, I have fitted the typeface into the image of the face. After discussing with the client we decided that this logo could work well, The face an the circle look like a moon shape, which is neither good nor bad, however i felt like this logo could be further adapted and there fore I have tried to change the shape.
Logo 5 is again an adaptation of Logo 4, instead of the face being placed in a circle I have placed it in a square shape, this makes the faec look much more like a face rather than a moon shape, I have shown the logo in several different colours to get a feel for it, however these colours could be changed according to the design of the rest of the documents.