Tuesday 19 March 2013

Envelope choices

Envelope Colour Choices
I will be producing two envelope designs to go with each cards, one in small print and one in a larger patterned print, this is so there is some variation, and so if the cards were to be put into a pack they could be mixed and matched. 
After trying different colours which would go with the pattern the best and which would still allow for words to be read I decided that the top left colour would be the best decision for this pattern and envelope. 

I tried this pattern with all three colours used within it, however they all look too bright, therefore I have decided to go with the pale grey colour for the envelopes as it will be easier to write on, as well as it not looking to bold and garish. 

Originally I wanted to use on of the colours within the pattern, but after trying it I decided that it looks to much like it is targeted at children and it stands out a bit too much, therefore I have decided to go with the pale blue colour which is on the top right.

 This colour choice was difficult, the red was defiantly to bold but then the other colours all looked quite good, the bottom left one was my favourite, as the colours match the best with the pattern itself. however I decided that after printing them the green was too difficult to see hand writing on and therefore went with the top left grey/ blue colour.  

1 comment:

  1. These shared envelope designs are very attractive and colorful. Every business needs stationary and envelope is very important thing in stationary. Therefore envelopes should be unique, colorful, meaningful and eye-catchings.
